
Pasta Creations!

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Sheena has been posting so much on here while I have been...oh so busy! Side note, if anyone visits the site and it doesn't quite look right, it is because I am doing a little behind the scenes work on our page. So please ignore it, the content will still be up and running. I am trying to find a new template for us. Anyways, today, I'm back at the cooking!

So whenever I am hungry but don't feel like really cooking I always end up making some sort of pasta. I saute a few cloves of garlic with olive oil for a couple minutes. Then I add red pepper flakes because I like a little bit of spice. And finally I mix in the pasta (today it was penne pasta) and add a little chopped basil on top. Sometimes, if I have it, I add a little lemon and Parmesan cheese shavings. What I have learned the most is that pasta can be great even without sauce!

I was wondering if there are any actual recipes that are out there like my little creation. So far, this link with Food Network is what I found. I know a lot of people like to stick to the recipes, but with pasta, almost anything goes. Have fun! If you are feeling really adventurous, add some leftovers. It's always a good time. What are some of your own pasta creations? I would love to hear them!!

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